weaving - anchor blue i

weaving - anchor blue i


by Kim Nemeth

silk, paper

10”x10” in white frame


new series of work - little weavings of chaotic fuchsia and wheat-colored silk tethered to indigo-dyed paper

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weaving - sound & thread (ii) tempImageXT8A0K.gif
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weaving - sound & thread (ii)

weaving - wander wonder ii IMG_9594.jpeg
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weaving - wander wonder ii

from $275.00
IMG_8642.jpeg IMG_8649.jpeg

weaving - interchange (spring)

7636C79E-3138-45B6-8425-C3FC9C248178.jpeg B378BF87-45E8-4CE9-9B32-164842933EDA.jpeg

weaving - untitled

tempImageseHvGt.gif tempImageP9EpHf.gif

weaving - floating through the stratosphere
